“Solving the Puzzle of Celestial Navigation” Part 1-Table of Contents
Chapter 1- Introduction to Celestial Navigation 5-15
Chapter 2- General Concepts 16-26
Chapter 3- Sextant Basics 27-36
Chapter 4- Latitude and Longitude by Local Apparent Noon 37-113
Local Apparent Noon Summary-38
Local Apparent Noon Work Forms 39-41
Entering Data given in problem to LAN Work Form 42-43
Corrected Zone Time LAN for Dead Reckoning Position at Noon 44-56
Measurements 57-60
Sextant Corrections 61-80
Zenith Distance 81-85
Greenwich Mean Time LAN 86-87
Declination 88-93
Calculations by Situation 94-99
GHA and Longitude based on LAN 100-108
Correction Factors 109
Universal Plotting Sheets 110-111
Solar Time- 112
Equation of Time- 113
Chapter 5- Sunset, Sunrise, Civil Twilight, and Nautical Twilight based on your position 115-121
Chapter 6- Latitude by Polaris 122-154
General Information on Polaris 122-124
Polaris Work Form 125-126
Sample Problem for Polaris 127
Data Entry for Polaris Work Form 128
Sextant Corrections 129-132
Meridian Time Difference 134-136
Greenwich Mean Time 137-138
Greenwich Hour Angle and Local Hour Angle for Aries 139-144
Corrections and Latitude Calculation 145-152
Plotting Polaris 153-154
“Solving the Puzzle of Celestial Navigation” Part 2. Table of Contents:
Chapter 1- Arc Intercept Method 7-20
Reference Material-21
Chapter 2- Sun, Moon, Planet Reduction 22-144
Work Forms 23-27
Reduction of the Sun 28-64
Sun Problem-29
Completing Data Section of Work Form-30
Determination of GMT Sun 31-32
Sextant Corrections 33-35
GHA and LHA Sun 36-37
How to Determine Assumed Longitude 38-44
Declination of the Sun 45-47
Summary of Correction Factors-48
Sight Reduction using HO229 49-54
Rounding and Significant Figures-53
Hci and Hc 54-56
Zn if South Latitude or North Latitude 57-59
Difference between Z and Zn-58
Calculation of Intercept 60-62
Plotting of LOP Sun 63-64
Reduction of Jupiter 65-102
Completing Data Section of Work Form-66
Determination of GMT Jupiter 66-68
Sextant Corrections 69-73
GHA and LHA Jupiter 74-84
How to Determine Assumed Longitude 82-83
Declination Jupiter 85-87
Sight Reduction using HO229 88-99
Plotting Jupiter LOP 100-102
Venus and Mars-103
Moon Reduction-104
Moon Problem 105-144
Completing Data Section of Work Form-106
Determination of GMT 107-108
Sextant Corrections 109-116
GHA and LHA Moon 117-124
How to find Assumed Position 123-124
Declination of Moon 124-129
Sight Reduction using HO229 130-139
Intercept for Moon 140-141
Plotting Moon LOP 142-144
Chapter 3-Star Reduction-146
Star Work Form 147-149
Star Problem 150-192
Entering Data Section of Work Form-151
Sextant Corrections 152-155
Determination of Greenwich Mean Time 156-162
GHA and LHA Stars 163-174
Determination of Assumed Position 171-172
Declination Star 175-177
Sight Reduction using HO229 178-187
Intercept 188-189
Plotting LOP Star 190-192
Chapter 4- DMA Plotting Sheets and Dead Reckoning Plotting 193-201
Chapter 5- Running Fix Plotting 202-208
Chapter 6- Star Finder 2101-D 209-241
Use of Star Finder 210-216
Star Finder star problem-217
Work Form for Star Finder 218-225
Identification of an unknown star 228-229
Plotting Planets on Starbase 230-235
Azimuth and Altitude of Planets 236-241
Chapter 7- Compass Calibration 242-244
Chapter 8- Gnomonic vs Mercator Charts 245-247